Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tiger Tiger Tiger !

I know what your thinking, enough already! The Tiger thing has been played out, what else can be said that hasn't already been said? To top it off, this is the very first blog of my, what may be short lived, blogging career. However, I have read, watched, listened to, and even smelled everything that everyone has had to say about the Tiger Woods debacle.
Tiger fooled us!
Tiger wasn't the person everyone thought he was!
Tiger isn't a role model!
Tiger ruined his reputation!
Tiger is a disgrace!
Well, here is where I get into trouble. Tiger didn't do anything to tarnish his reputation with me. All he ever was to me was a great golfer. Probably, when his career is over, the best golfer who ever lived. That has not changed. I never looked to Tiger for marital advise, I never looked to Tiger to be a template for my kids by which to live their lives. I never looked to Tiger for menu tips when I eat at Perkins. I still would love to have his golf swing, I still would love to be able to putt under pressure the way he can, I still would love to be able to shape shots like he can, I still will be more compelled to watch PGA events in which he plays than ones that he does not, and I still want to have the competitive drive that he has. I hope my mom doesn't see this, but I need to say that I especially still want my kids to compete in anything that they do, with the same determination, desire and focus that Tiger does on the golf course. What Tiger did is unforgivable. He destroyed his family. His children will grow up with the stigma of having a dad who had the mightiest fall from grace than anyone in American history. The role model issue is another story in itself. But if you had other expectations of Tiger, or expected more from him, that is a you problem, not a Tiger problem. Tiger didn't become Tiger because of his personal conduct, we put him on a pedestal because he was a great golfer. Guess what, he still is..... What you wanted Tiger to be is your issue, if you considered him to be some type of God, oops. You didn't get what you wanted.
All he ever was to me was a great golfer. Probably, when his career is over, the best golfer who ever lived..........

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